Sidbury CofE Primary School

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Ventrus MAT


Our Curriculum

The curriculum across Ventrus schools is designed to provide a broad, balanced and ambitious education that meets the needs of all children. It defines what children will learn at each stage of their education, preparing learners for future success either in the next step in their education or for life in modern Britain. As a Trust we use Chris Quigley's Essentials Curriculum, these underpin the curriculum choices we have made.  The curriculum design is purposeful, engaging and with clear intentions. The ambitious intent of the curriculum ensures that all children have an entitlement to a high quality inclusive education, which is carefully crafted by the teaching of essential knowledge (declarative, procedural and experiential), concepts and values, which are embedded and developed over time.

Learning in all subjects is carefully planned and sequenced to build on and activate prior knowledge.  Repetition of key concepts is mapped and tracked to ensure that essential knowledge is rehearsed and retained.

Every child is recognised as a unique individual and is provided with opportunities and experiences to enable them to have the confidence and skills to make decisions, self-evaluate, make connections and become aspirational life-long learners. They are provided with challenges which build resilience, confidence and independence.

The curriculum supports the children’s physical, spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, ensuring that they are well prepared to play a positive role in modern Britain and the wider world.

As a Trust, our curriculum must respond dynamically to reflect the challenges of the day and the predicted challenges which our children will face in the future. The Trust and the schools within it, will constantly evaluate the design of the curriculum to ensure that it supports the roles that children and young people play in society now and in the future.

 We recognise that our curriculum is also a vehicle for us to develop the wider child and, as such, teaching staff plan carefully to find links from each topic to impact on our pupils’ social, moral, cultural and spiritual development, and to promote the British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect. As a Church of England Primary School, Sidbury also has a set of distinctive Christian values of Ambition, Compassion, Courage, Kindness, Respect and Trust which underpin and are integral to the ethos of the school and the wider community.

 Early Years Foundation Stage

Children joining our school will begin in Elm Class.  Here we will ensure a smooth transition from home or childcare settings into school life.  The content of the curriculum covered in EYFS can be found in the EYFS Long Term Plan below.

EYFS Long Term

ltp ey and ks1 starting on year b.pdf



For more information about the Early Years Foundation Stage, please click here. 

Key Stage 1

 Children in Years 1 are 2 are part of Key Stage 1.  Throughout this phase of learning we will continue to build on the stepping stones in place from EYFS and pave the way for them to acquire knowledge sequential which they can refer back to as they journey through the school.  The content of the curriculum covered in Key Stage 1 can be found in the Key Stage 1 Long Term Plan below.  Please note that we have 2 year rolling programme, labelled Year A and a Year B.  We are currently in Year B of the cycle.

Key Stage 1 Long Term Plan 

Key Stage 2

 Children in Years 3-6 are part of Key Stage 2.  The content of the curriculum covered in Key Stage 2 can be found below.  Please note that Years 3 and 4 work on a two year rolling programme (Lower Key Stage 2) and Years 5 and 6 work together on two year rolling programme, these are labelled Year A and Year B.  We are currently in Year B of the cycle.

Lower Key Stage 2 Long Term Plan 

 Upper Key Stage 2 Long Term Plan  

English and Mathematics

To find out more about English and Mathematics, please click on the following links:

English at Sidbury 

 Mathematics at Sidbury  

 Click on the documents below to learn more about our curriculum objectives in other areas for each year group from year 1-6

In each subject we have used the identified curriculum concept thresholds (these are the subtitles on the left hand side column of each of the subject milestones).  These concept thresholds allow children and staff to identify the key strands covered within each curriculum domain, in turn showing and developing clear progression in what is taught and learnt within the year and across the years.  We are developing this as a common language for all, which supports children with regular retrieval of knowledge, whether this is declarative knowledge (key facts and information), procedural knowledge (based on skills) or experiential learning (learning developed through the experiences the children encounter).

Milestone 1 relates to learning in Years 1 and 2.

Milestone 2 relates to learning in Years 3 and 4

Milestone 3 relates to learning in Years 5 and 6

 Art and Design Milestones

Computing Milestones

Design and Technology Milestones

Geography Milestones

History Milestones

Languages Milestones

Music Milestones

Personal Development Milestones

Physical Education Milestones

R.E Milestones

Science Milestones

Curriculum Questions

 If you have any further questions about our school's curriculum, or have any suggestions for how to improve this section of our website for parents, please do contact the school office.

Ventrus MAT

Ventrus (formerly The Primary Academies Trust) was set up in 2011 by a group of like minded headteachers who wanted to build a stable and secure platform from which they could grow a network of excellent schools.

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