Welcome to Sidbury Church of England Primary School
It is a huge pleasure to welcome you to Sidbury Church of England Primary School. As a community, we value and are ambitious for all our children and are committed to providing a positive, safe and stimulating environment for them to enjoy and excel in their learning, grow in independence and to flourish as individuals.
Our Vision & Values
Our Vision
Aim high. Love Learning. Trust God.
As a Church of England primary school, our school is committed to bringing out the best in each other. 'The Bible tells us that when the apostle Paul was in prison for his faith, he wrote to his friends saying ‘And this is my prayer, that your love may overflow more and more with knowledge and full insight’ (Philippians 1:9).
This is our prayer as a school community too; that all of us may be rooted in God's love – growing in confidence, building healthy relationships, and learning about ourselves as well the world around us.'
Our vision is grounded in our foundation as a Church of England school, where we embody our six Christian values: Ambition, Compassion, Courage, Kindness, Respect, and Trust.
Our Values
Our school values extend beyond the academic; they resonate throughout our daily interactions and activities.
Through our emphasis on Ambition, we inspire our children to pursue their personal goals and aspirations, fostering a culture of perseverance and determination.
With Compassion, we teach the importance of empathy and understanding, encouraging our students to consider the feelings of others and to build meaningful relationships.
Courage is an essential value that we instil in our pupils, empowering them to take risks in their learning and to face challenges with resilience.
Kindness is at the heart of our community, creating a welcoming and supportive atmosphere where everyone feels included and valued.
We promote Respect, teaching our children to respect not only one another but also the diverse world in which we live.
Finally, Trust is integral to our relationships with children and the community, encouraging open communication and fostering a strong sense of belonging within our school family and a trust in God.