School Uniform
For our uniform with the school logo on we use a company called Brigade Clothing. All other uniform can be purchased at any major supermarkets or department stores.
School Uniform
Grey skirt, pinafore, trousers or shorts
Royal blue polo shirt with logo
White polo shirt or white blouse
School sweatshirt or cardigan with logo
white/grey/black socks
grey/black tights (no leggings)
low heeled black shoes with covered toes
All children need a waterproof coat in school every day
In the summer blue and white school dresses may be worn
PE Kit
Tee shirt in house colour with logo
Black shorts
Change of socks
Drawstring PE bag.
In winter children may wear navy/black tracksuit trousers and a jumper.
The following are not part of our school uniform:
- boots
- hooded jumpers
- under armour
- leggings
- sandals
- plimsolls